10 Weight Loss Goal Chart and Vision Board Ideas To Keep You Stay Motivated

Weight Loss Goal Chart Vision Board IdeasLet’s get real here:

Even if you know what you need to do to lose weight, it can be challenging to actually DO it.

Most of us start our weight loss journey full of motivation and excitement, but we’re likely to lose motivation at some points along the way, with some people will completely fall off the weight loss wagon.
The good news is, research prove that goal setting increases motivation, and establish a weight loss goal tracker can help you to easily see your progress and keep your spirit up.

If you are looking for inspirations or templates to keep track of your journey —

Here are 10 weight loss goal chart samples and vision board examples that you can certainly extract some brilliant ideas to create one for yourself!

#1: How to Make a Weight Loss Vision Board that works

Nutritionist and trainer Christina Carlyle called herself “a former fat girl” 🙂

She shares excellent tips on making a weight loss vision board that works in video below.

Recommended Read: Research Show People who were given Financial Incentives to Lose Weight were 5 Times More Likely to Meet their Goals

#2: Weight Loss Goals Tracker Board and Progress Calendar

Shirlina made her own weight loss goals and progress tracker with dry erase white board.

What I like the most?

The tracker has small columns to keep track the days that she took alcohol!

A great video with detailed explanation.


#3: SMART Goal Setting, Doodle with Tiffany Sherii

Do you write down your goals?

Tiffany doodles and draws her weight loss goals and rewards using S.M.A.R.T goal setting in video below, looks FUN!

Towards the end she also shows you how she keeps track digitally as well.

Recommended Read: How To Set Motivating Weight Loss Goals Using S.M.A.R.T Principle


#4: Creating A Vision Board For Healthy Weight Loss

A very motivational way to keep you going in the weight loss journey.

This video shows you some ideas of board made for principles of health and weight loss.


#5: Bullet Journal For Weight Loss

Hey, who says we must have a vision board or chart to track the progress?

Creativity can bring many ideas!

Here’s a walk-through video of Katie’s new Bullet Journal spread for weight loss.

Watch below and see how she is keeping accountable.


#6: DIY Weight Loss Motivation Board by Mom of 3

Mom of 3 created this video to share some tips on how to stay motivated during a weight loss journey.


#7: Weight loss Vision Board Ideas by Ashley Salvatori

Ashley creates a dream board every new year to reach her goals.

And this is the her latest health goals vision board, do you like it?


#8: Weight loss Journey Journal Tour

Great idea by Soozee Lara!


#9: Fitness and Weight Loss Tracker – Excel Template

If you are interested to setup your tracker using Microsoft Excel, here is an example.


#10: Another Interesting Weight Loss Vision Board Idea

By Rois Mac Connmhaigh, including poster idea!