10 Inspiring Videos on Mediterranean Diet for Healthy Weight Loss – including Before and After Results

Mediterranean Diet for Weight LossOkay, show of hands:

Who else would like to lose weight without overly restrictive diets that aren’t sustainable?

Everybody, right?

Then the Mediterranean Diet is for you.

This a healthy diet plan which you can maintain and enjoy long-term, so you have greater chance to stick with it and shed pounds successfully.
Combined with strong determination, you may become part of these weight loss success stories.
And here are 10 inspiring videos on Mediterranean diet for healthy weight loss –

starting with expert tips from medical doctors, followed by Mediterranean meal plan recipes, then Mediterranean weightloss before and after results.

#1: Dr Kim Foster on Mediterranean Diet For Weight Loss

In video below, Kim Foster MD shares her insights on how to lose weight with Mediterranean diet.

She gave an overview on how the Mediterranean diet works to help you lose weight — in a pleasurable, delicious way.

As mentioned by Dr Kim, the key components of Mediterranean Diet include vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats that help increase metabolism and burn more calaroies.

The benefits of Mediterranean diets in weight management have been proven by extensive studies, including research published by Harvard University, U.S. National Library of Medicine, and AARP.

#2: The Mediterranean Diet Tips from Mayo Clinic

Donald Hensrud M.D. of Mayo Clinic shares his tips about Mediterranean diet in video below, including “how you eat is as key as what you eat”.


#3: Doctor Veronica’s Tips on Mediterranean Diet

Before you kick start your weight loss journey with Mediterranean diet, you are probably wondering:

Is Mediterranean Diet healthy for weight loss? How much red wine can I drink?

Don’t miss this video from Doctor Veronica, who share her expert views on Mediterranean diet for weight loss, what’s good, and what’s bad.

One point that was mentioned by Doctor Veronica in the video is that –

There are many people who stop dieting, go back to their regular eating habits after a while, and they gain weight again (even more than they were before they started the dieting).

Motivation and determination to stay committed play a key role in any weight loss success story.

It’s recommended that you check out these 5 useful tips to keep you stay motivated and gear your weight loss journey for success.
After watching the videos above, by now you already have a good understanding on how Mediterranean diet meals can help you to lose weight in a healthy way.

So how to start?


#4: Healthy Mediterranean Crash Course by Dr. Oz

Dr. Oz shares a crash course on how to eat, drink, and live in the healthy Mediterranean fashion.

Check this out!


#5: Get Started With Mediterranean Diet in These 8 Ways

Check these 8 ways to make Mediterranean diet work for you, as recommended by Mayo Clinic.


#6: Mediterranean Diet – What Local Greeks Eat?

Joanna Soh traveled to Greece for 3 weeks and had THE best Mediterranean Diet.

In this video, Joanna shared how Mediterranean diet can help you to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight for long term, the kinds of food the local Greeks eat, and how you can apply these tips into your lifestyle.


#7: Here’s How You Can Prepare a Mediterranean Meal

Matt Dawson shares his healthy Mediterranean diet recipe and ingredients in video below, including the step by step guide on how he prepared this meal by himself.

Do you like this healthy Mediterranean cod dish?


#8: The 7 days Mediterranean Meal Plan for Weight Loss

To make your life easier, the video below shows a 7 days Mediterranean meal plan — covering menus from breakfast to lunch and dinner.

Try this to help you lose weight.

Interested to start your weight loss journey with Mediterranean Diet, but too busy to cook and prepare the meals yourself?

You can check out the Mediterranean Weight Loss Diet by Healthy Chef Creation to help you.
Still not convinced?

Here are success stories of how Mediterranean diet helped weight loss, including the Before and After results!

#9: Mediterranean Diet Helped Her To Shed 60 Pounds

Don’t miss the inspiring journey of l0rea in video below!

If you want fast weight loss results:

You can check out >> this natural solution – currently available at limited time free trial.


#10: The Man Who Lost 40 pounds with Mediterranean Diet

Bill Bradley shares his story in video below.


Need more weight loss motivation ideas?

Check out these inspiring weight loss success stories and you’ll start to shed pounds now!

Mediterranean Diet Weight Loss Meal Plan Recipes