Many people value healthy-looking hair, because it’s a sign of beauty and health.
However, about 80 million men and women in the United States have hair loss problems, according to American Academy of Dermatology.
The good news is, advanced technology can help to regrow hair, such as the FDA-cleared HairMax ReGrowMD 272.
But how does it work, and how does it compared to other laser caps like Capillus and illumiflow?
>> Check out Full Product Details of RegrowMD here to Learn More
How Does RegrowMD Laser 272 Work to Help Hair Growth
This over the counter medical device works by delivering laser light to the scalp, energizes the scalp and stimulate hair growth.
ReGrowMD incorporates 272 diodes that are evenly spaced within the inner liner of laser cap, allowing enough focus of light delivered through openings in liner to cover your entire scalp.
Through Low Level Laser Treatment (LLLT), this hair therapy device provides direct flow of light energy with the focus and the aim of reaching your hair follicles, stimulate follicle openings on the scalp and promote hair growth.
Dr. Sam Lam, Dallas hair transplant surgeon, discusses low-level laser therapy in the video below.
ReGrowMD 272 Laser Cap uses Hairmax technology to facilitate the whole hair growth process.
As the undisputed global leader in over the counter laser hair regrowth industry, HairMax brings doctor-recommended laser lights to help your growing hair in the comfort of your home.
This company makes use of its advanced technology to help millions of people worldwide with its innovative laser hair growth solutions, including the stylish HairMax LaserBand 82.
These series of laser medical devices work to help people with Androgenic alopecia, including men that have Norwood-Hamilton Classifications of Ila-V, women that have Androgenic Alopecia with Savin classification I-II or frontal patterns of hair loss, alongside both men and women with Fitzpatrick Skin types I-IV.
As such, you can trust the proven HairMax hair growth technology as a solution that works – supported by extensive clinical research alongside proven before and after results.
How To Use HairMax ReGrowMD Lasercap at Home
For those who are looking to bypass the оffісе treatments with expensive cost and time consuming visits tо сlіnіс —
The cost effective ReGrowMD 272 іѕ аn attractive орtіоn, as it brіngѕ аll thе comfort tо its user by receiving medication-free LLLT hair loss treatment at home with discretion.
As shown in the user manual, using this medical device is easy and hands free:
- Step 1: Plug one side of the battery pack into the wall, and the other side into Regrow MD 272.
- Step 2: After that, take the device and put it on your head.
- Step 3: Power the device on and wear it for about 30 minutes.
- For best results, treat your scalp for 30 minutes, three times a week every other day (example: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday).
Yоu can use the ReGrowMD laser сар alongside аnу оthеr hаіr grоwth treatment for maximum results, as there is no соntrаdісtіоn with lоw lеvеl laser trеаtmеnt.
While LLLT is used іn соnjunсtіоn with оthеr соmmоn hair rеgrоwth products (such as Provillus), іt саn form thе bасkbоnе of a total hair trеаtmеnt solution.
The BioLight Comfort laser light of this medical device is delivered into your scalp through 272 medical grade lasers, to make sure you grow more hair on your scalp.
This product can be used at home or even on the go, as the battery pack is rechargeable.
When the battery pack has reached full charge, the blue indicator lights on your battery pack will stop blinking, that is how you will know the battery is fully charged.
The fully charged battery can last around six 30-minute sessions before running out of charge, and the battery has been designed for 500 re-charges.
So you can wear the lightweight HairMax ReGrowMD lasercap when go out from the house, while you can just carry this highly portable cap in bag or pack it in your luggage when traveling.
HairMax Regrow MD vs Capillus and illumiflow Laser Cap
How does HairMax RegrowMD compared to other laser caps, such as Capillus or illumiflow?
Firstly, let’s see the commonalities among them:
- All are FDA-cleared laser cap for hair growth treatment.
- Offer best coverage on scalp with ‘best in class’ 272 lasers, which is the highest laser density among all over the counter laser hair regrowth products (that often lesser laser quantity such as 82 laser diodes) on the market today.
- Lightweight cap style design which is highly portable, and much more convenient compared to bulky laser helmets.
So what are their key differences?
- Cost: CapillusPro is by far the most expensive LLLT hair growth device, with its price is about 3x of HairMax RegrowMD and illumiflow laser cap.
- Treatment usage frequency: CapillusPro recommends user to use it for 6 minutes x 7 times a week, versus RegrowMD and illumiflow that recommend 30 minutes x every other day (3 times per week).
- Money-back warranty and product warranty period: As shown above.
Considering CapillusPro is 3x more expensive, and HairMax is a much more established brand than illumiflow in hair growth industry –
RegrowMD 272 laser cap is surely an excellent (if not the best) choice.
HairMax ReGrowMD laser 272 Reviews: The Verdict
Hairmax is the company behind this very successful hair regrowth medical device, which offers fast and comfortable treatment thorough its 272 high density BioLight Comfort laser diodes.
The battery powered ReGrowMD laser cap is light weight and flexible but still delivers the functions perfectly to address hair loss problems, as it helps to
- activate hair follicles,
- stimulate new hair growth,
- thicken and strengthen hair,
- reverse hair thinning process.
While not available for sale at local stores like Walmart, Walgreens and CVS –
ReGrowMD 272 laser cap is available to buy online at Amazon and HairMax Official Website.
If you have issues with hair loss, hair texture and hair growth –
This FDA-cleared over the counter hair growth solution with proven LLLT technology offers excellent value for money, while it is easy and convenient to use at home or on the go.